NYHIST-L Archives

October 1997


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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Jill Rydberg <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 12:27:34 -0400
"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Please contact only the people listed below for information concerning
the position:

Development Director, New York State Archives PartnershipTrust

The New York State Archives Partnership Trust is a public benefit
corporation for the benefit of the New York State Archives.  The goal of
the Trust is to create a $10 million endowment for the State Archives.
The Trust seeks an energetic and creative Development Director who
reports to the Executive Officer, who is also the Archivist of New York
State.  The Development Director manages daily operations of the
development office, supervising two associates and volunteers.  The
incumbent oversees all fund raising: endowment; special projects,
membership, and annual giving, as well as prospect research, and the
development/execution of fundraising plans, public relations, and
marketing strategies.  Writing and editing plans, development materials,
proposals, print and video presentations, reports, correspondence,
newsletters, and other documents are a significant part of the work.

Preferred qualifications: at least five (5) years' demonstrated successful
development experience in foundation, corporate, and major gift fund
raising, including experience in New York City; ability to identify
statewide constituencies; experience with direct mail and annual giving
solicitation campaigns; and skillful stewardship of current and potential
donors.  Management experience is also desired.

For more complete information, e-mail [log in to unmask], or fax
(518) 473-4941.  If interested, send a cover letter and resume by
December 1, 1997 to:

        Mr. Charles Byrne
        Director, Human Resources Management
        New York State Education Department
        Box SC-77
        89 Washington Avenue
        Albany, NY 12234

The New York State Archives is an affirmative action/equal opportunity