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June 1999


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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Fletcher Blanchard <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:24:40 -0400
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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Since this subject stirred up a bit of interest, I will respond to
the List and thank the contributors, publicly. Following their
suggestions, here is what I learned.

The map in question is from a children's book, "The Legend of New
Amsterdam" by Peter Spier and shows the "City of New Amsterdam on
the Island of Manhatten in the Colony of New Netherland. Anno 1660".
I have ordered a copy on interlibrary loan and, based on Sharon
Henke's message,  I believe that the map appears on the inside
covers of the book. Thanks to Linda Van Duesen Kintzing, for posting
the URL for Fleet Teachout's page that shows a portion of this map <
http://www.teachout.org/vna/map.html>. BTW, this is an image map;
many of the buildings are clickable links to brief descriptions of
the property and owner, based on the "Castello Map List of
Inhabitants". I was expecting to find an historic map so this
explains why the "Spier's Map" was not familiar to Dan Weiskotte,
David Allen and others.

Thanks to Dan and David for directing me to the wonderful map
collection at SUNY Stony Brook, including the Visscher, Blaeu and
Ryder maps. I found the high resolution image of the 1656 Visscher
Map at the LOC to be especially useful and permits zooming in and
selecting the best area and image size for display and printing.

In case anyone is interested, I thought perhaps the Spier's map
would help in my search for the location of the early New Netherland
town of Flatbush. Being a native of NYS, I knew that "Flatbush" and
"Brooklyn" were closely related and, with help from "A Short
Brooklyn History, History of Breuckelen, Kings County and Brooklyn"
by [log in to unmask],  at
<http://www.brooklynonline.com/bol/history/short.brooklyn.xhtml> and
modern maps from MapQuest, I now have a good sense of where 'old
Flatbush' was located.

Thanks, again, Sharon, Dan, and David.      Fletch Blanchard