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October 1999


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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 01:22:57 -0400
"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
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Please pass this on to others.  We need to promote and preserve the
history in NYC and if you know of other events, not listed, please send
them to Ruth Ann Messily at [log in to unmask]

NYS Archives
14 Oct Thur  Noon - 1pm Museum Theater
Dr. Lillian S. Williams, Assoc. Prof. of History of Univ. of Albany, will
speak on Building Community: African Americans in Buffalo and Harlem, an
exploration of African Americans' motivation to migrate north and an
examination of the vibrant communities they created in cities like
Buffalo and NYC.  Dr. Williams used archival records to write her book
"Strangers in the Land of Paradise: The Creation of an American
Community, 1860-1940", which will be available for sale and signing.
This event is jointly sponsored by the NYS Museum and NYS Archives.  NOON
- 1pm
 Reservations necessary - 518-473-8037

NYS Archives
17 Oct Sun  1-4pm 11th Floor  Cultural Education Center
Last Chance of the Millennium to see 4 centuries of treasures.  See rare,
invaluable records dating from the days when the state was a Dutch colony
to the present * The minutes of the Dutch West India Company, which ruled
New Netherlands* The charter that King Charles II signed to give NY to
his brother* Secret spy papers revealing Benedict Arnold's
treachery*Civil War Muster rolls for African American soldiers* Teddy
Roosevelt's Spanish American War service card*Original movie script from
Gone With the Wind and a dozen more Academy Award winning films scripts
and more.  No reservations necessary to view the exhibit.

NYS Archives
17 Oct Sun 1-3:30pm Reservations necessary 518-473-8037
Go where only archivists have gone before and go behind-the-scenes tours
of the Archives.  Normally closed areas of the Archives will be open to
the public to show the daily work of NY Archivists.  Tours every
half-hour from 1-3:30pm.

NYS Archives
17 Oct Sun 1-4pm No reservations necessary.
Worried about those fading photos and crumbling old letters?  Experts in
conservation will offer free advice and guidance about caring for old
family photos and documents.

NYS Archives
17 Oct  Think you know a lot about NYS History?  Test your knowledge by
taking the NY History Challenge prepared by the editors working on the
Encyclopedia of NYS.
They have compiled a quiz full of hurdles.  Clear all the hurdles and you
will be entered in a drawing for nifty prizes.  Ed Knoblauch, Managing
Editor of the Encyclopedia of NYS will real all the answers at 2pm
Reservations necessary  518-473-8037

08 Oct  7pm Hanau Dr.von Gall, a descendant of the Colonel Wilhelm
        von Gall, commander of the Hesse-Hanau Regiment Erbprinz, who was
        captured together with General v.Riedesel and the British General
        Burgoyne at Saratoga on 17.October 1777.  Dr.von Gall has arrived
in or   about his famous ancestor, and the correspondence Dr.v.Gall
found of                that time period.

10 Oct  11-1pm  Guided tour and picnic, open to public, free.
Bring a picnic lunch
        caravan in your own car and picnic at scenic overlook at the

10 Oct  7pm Campfire.  Native Amercan story telling and music with
Jim Bruchac             and  Chris Melco. Free cider and donuts

Oct 1999        at Visitors Center - George Washington Remembered display
 honoring       bi-centeniell of his death and his visits to the
Saratoga Battlefield.

10 Oct  2-4pm Town of Berne Historical Society Open House

11 Oct  2pm The Guilderland Room - Guilderland Public Library Open
House -
        7pm Slide Lecture - Guilderland - Then and now.

13 Oct  10am The Albany County Hall of Records - Family History
Workshop and    Open house. Tours throughout the day  518-447-4500

13 Oct  10:30am -2pm Luby Memorial Archives - St. Peter's Church,
        Open House  518-434-3502

16 Oct  7:30 - 9pm Rensselaerville Library/Historical Society.
        Demonstration:Rensselaerville Mills on the Internet 518-797-3049

16 Oct  2pm Town of Colonie Historical Society.  Tour of Schuyler
Family Home
        Site, on the Heritage Trail  518-782-2593

18 Oct  7:30pm Waterford Historical Museum  Lecture: Places to Be
Seen and To
        See: The Making of NY's Resort Communities  518-383-0459

4th Annual Capital Region Archives Dinner and speaker Paul Tonko -"
Attracting Attention (and $) to Our Historic Resources: The Mohawk
Experience "  Franklin Plaza, Troy $27  Reservations - 518-783-2891  6pm
Cocktails (your expense) 7pm dinner

07-31 Oct       Saratoga Springs Urban Heritage Program, Reclaiming the
African-        American & Irish Heritage.  7Oct Opening of
photodocumentaion               exhibit, Urban Cultural Park - Visitors
Center  518-587-3241

10 Oct  9am-5pm Saratoga National Historic Park, Stillwater
Heritage Day - Free

13 Oct  7:30 Town of Charlton - Slides/Lecture  The Raging Old
Erie, the Story of      the enlarged Erie Canal and NYS Barge Canal

16 Oct  6-8:30pm Old Saratoga Historical Assoc./ Saratoga National
Historic Park,
        Schuyler House Candlelight Tour.  Schuylerville, NY

20 Oct  7:30pm Saratoga Springs Public Library - Lecture -
        Workers in Ante-Bellum Saratoga Springs" by  Jon Sterngass, PhD
of              Union College.  518-587-3241

27 Oct  7:30pm Saratoga Springs Public Library - Lecture "The
Irish in Tom's          Lodge Neighborhood" by Ted Corbett, Prof.
ACC and Columbia-Green          College.  518-587- 3241

Oct 1999        Lucy Schribner Library, Skidmore College Exhibit, During
Library Hours -         Scidmore's Presidential Heritage  518-580-5509


10 Oct  1-5pm Fort Plain Chapter of DAR and Fort Plain Museum.
        200th Anniversary of George Washington's Death  518-993-2356

Oct     Mon - Sat  Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery  Exhibit -
        history of local agriculture.  518-673-2314


08 Oct-19 Nov Tue-Sat  10am - 4pm  Rensselaer Co. Historical Soc.
        Gruss Gott in Rensselaer County:  The German-American Experience.

09 Oct  12-1pm Junior Museum, Troy.  Workshop Start Your Own
        12-4pm Exhibit: Children of the Past: Their Books and Photos

14 Oct  12pm Troy Public Library, Lecture: Genealogical Research
in the Troy
        Collection by Doris Sheridan   518-274-7071

Oct 1999        Weds 12-2pm & Sat 10am-3pm  Brunswick Historical Society
        Exhibit: The Value of the Census in Research   518-279-9714

Oct     Call for hours  518-658-2231 Tactonic Valley
Historical/Berlin Free Town
        Library.  Exhibits  Peter Wycoff, Experimental Farming ca 1900
and             Baseball in Berlin.


09 Oct  Schenectady County Historical Society.  Lecture: Future is
Molded in the Past       by Ronald Kingsley  518-374-0263

10 Oct  2-3pm Schenectady Museum  Lecture: Preventing
Change/Preserving               Memory, Care of Audio Visual Materials

12 Oct  1pm Dudley Observatory  Lecture & Open House.  Lecture:
Dudley          Observatory - The Boss Years: a Case Study of
Archives Research               518-382-7583

12 Oct  12:30-3:30pm Schenectady Museum.  Lecture: Politics of
Archival                Research by Tom Carroll.  Tour of Archives 11:30
& 3:30  518-382-7890

12 Oct  9am-5pm Effner History Research Library.  Schenectady City
Hall            New Name, New Look, New Millennium  518-382-5088

13 Oct  7:30-9pm Empire State Aerosciences Museum.  Lecture:
Flight Before
        the Wright Bros.  by Jan VanderVeer  518-377-2191

13 Oct  12noon Schenectady Co. Public Library.  Lecture:
Collections at the Albany
        Institute of History and Art by Sandra Markham  518-388-4500

13 Oct  7:30pm Schenectady Co. Public Library. (sponsored by
        Research Library) Lecture: The Fringe Canals:  Black River and
Champlain               Canals by Craig Williams.  518-374-0447

14 Oct  12-1pm  Union College - Special Collections.  3rd Floor
Schaffer Library.
        Lecture:  Digging Up Solomon Northrup by Rachel Seligman

16 Oct  10:30am-3pm Schenectady Chapter of DAR - Niskayuna Library
        Workshop: A genealogy workshop  518-370-1653

16 Oct  10 -11:30am  Schenectady Heritage Area. Walking Tour of
Vale Park and
        Cemetery.  Reservations  518-382-5147

Oct 1999        Proctors Theater Arcade. Exhibit:  Colonial Schenectady

11 Oct  10 & 11am  Great Camp Sagamore, Community Day .  Open
House, free     tours, refreshments  315-531-5311

14 Oct  Hope Town Hall, Rt 30 north of Northville, Display - Some
of towns old            records, etc.  Presentation: Importance of
Archives by  Don Williams

14-16 Oct 7 - 9pm Ticonderoga Historical Society.  Lecture Series: "This
Place We        Live"  local authors will give lectures and lead
discussions on documenting      local history .  518-585-7868 to be
sure of their schedule for these talks
14 Oct  History of the Gates Family in the Lake George and Bolton
Area by Bill            Gates
15 Oct  Battle site, the Controversy by Bob Bearor
15 Oct  Remembering Life in Chilson by Lois Gunning.

21 Oct          7pm Caldwell-Lake George Library.  Lecture/Book Signing
"Before Father  Jogue" by Betty Buckell  518-668-2428