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List Name:
AEBARB Appearance Enhancement & Barbering Listserv
ALTEDLIST Alt. Ed. Steering Committee
ASST-SUPT Assistant Superintendents
BPSSSCHOOLS used for the dissemination of pertinent information to BPSS licensed schools.
BPSSTEACH Used for the dissemination of pertinent information to BPSS Licensed teachers.
CBT-DSMATH District superintendents participating in NYSED Computer-Based Testing
CNTRAIN Child Nutrition Training Updates
COUNSELORS NYS school counselors
CTEBIZ CTE Business Education
CTEVISART A LISTSERV for CTE visual arts, A/V tech, and graphic communications contacts.
DIGITALEQUITYNY Discussion list for digital equity work in NY, facilitated by the State Library.
EDFORUM-L A LISTSERV list to discuss NYS Education Issues.
EESTWPRIN Essential Elements Schools to Watch Principals and Leadership Team
GISNY-L GIS in New York discussion group.
HEMPSTEAD Hempstead school district and community
LIBRARY-L To distribute State Library information notices to librarians.
MLLIAISONS Mid-Level Liaisons
NEWMARC-L An announcement and information list for the New Netherland Project
NOVEL-DB An announcement and information list for users of NOVELny Databases
NY-ERATE discussion list for library E-rate contacts
NYHIST-L A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history.
NYLINE New York's Libraries Information Network
NYS-LGH A list for local government historians to exchange information.
NYS-PGO A discussion list for Perkins Postsecondary Grants Officers.
NYSATL-FAC A LISTSERV List for New York State Academy for Teaching and Learning Facilitators
NYSDOC Communication among members of both State & Federal Document Depository Programs in NY.
NYSMBK My Brother's Keeper | New York State
OAE-BLAST1 Distribution of the OAE-Blast to internal staff and external stakeholders
ONLYPERKGO Only Perkins Grants Officers
PAN-PILOT Information and updates about New York’s PAN Pilot.
PLAN-PILOT Plan Pilot Listserv
PUBHEAR22 ACCES-VR 2022 State Plan public hearing announcement
RETHINK Rethink K-12 Education Models Grant
RSU-SEIT Distribute notices on updates to Rate Setting Unit & special education info
SED-DS-SUPER A LISTSERV list for SED District Superintendents
STATE-L To distribute State Library information notices to NY State employees.
TDLCOP A list for Target Districts' Assistant Superintendents, Directors, & other Target District Leaders
TECHED A compilation of contacts from within the field of Technology Education
TEST394L Testing list for possible listserv automation
TEST394L2 Test list for Walter Hamm
WBLLISTSERV Receive info from NYSED work-based learning coordinators throughout the state.
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Digest (Traditional)