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December 2012


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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Bill Zullo <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 6 Dec 2012 22:24:32 -0500
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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philip G Terrie" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [NYHIST-L] Chain Lakes question
      I have attached the one page I could find of a booklet of the Hutchins 
Camp, later the Gooley Club. I could not find the booklet, but think I do 
have it. I don't know if this is the one you are looking for. If you want 
information on this camp, I can give it to you.
Bill Zullo
Indian Lake and Hamilton County Historian
[log in to unmask]

> This is an interesting question. I'm guessing that the chain of lakes is 
> probably what is now known as the Essex Chain of Lakes, recently acquired 
> by the Nature Conservancy  from Finch, Pruyn and soon to be bought by New 
> York State and added to the Forest Preserve.  I did not know there had 
> once been a hotel there; I have seen references to a hunting camps. At the 
> time TNC bought the parcel from Finch, Pruyn, it had been under lease to 
> the Gooley Club for about 60 years, with similar arrangements going back 
> the late 19th century. Members of the Gooley Club have been bitterly 
> opposed to state purchase because this means their camps will all be 
> demolished and what had been their exclusive preserve will be open to the 
> public.
> The quoted description sounds like it's from a period guide book or 
> perhaps a guide published by a railroad co. I'd try the series of guides 
> published by E. R. Wallace (all my books are still in boxes after a recent 
> move). Or the guides published by the Delaware and Hudson RR, which 
> operated the line from Saratoga Springs to North Creek.
> cheers,
> phil
> Philip G. Terrie
> Professor Emeritus, American Culture Studies and Environmental Studies
> Bowling Green State University
> 115 Northview Rd.
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> 810-300-5311
> ________________________________________
> From: A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State 
> history. [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of [log in to unmask] 
> [[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 9:55 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [NYHIST-L] Chain Lakes question
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a friend looking for the source of this article. I don't know where 
> it came from and thought perhaps one or more of you might recognize it.
> Les Buell
> Buell's Educational Consultants
> Programs for schools and adult groups on Civil War/19th Century medicine
> Remember when we talked about the article about my great grandfather's 
> hotel in Chain Lakes? I have copies of an article about the prices, dates, 
> and menus at the hotel, but I cannot find out what magazine or book the 
> info is from.
> It states:  "Tucked away in such a remote part of the Adirondacks, that 
> few persons know of its existence is one of the most beautiful and 
> picturesque places in the mountains.  "Seven Chain Lakes" is situated in 
> Hamilton County nine miles north of tIndian Lake village, and twenty-seven 
> miles from North Creek, the nearest railroad station, consisting of, as 
> the name implies, a connecting chain of lakes, and within from 1/4 to 3 
> miles of which ten other lakes and ponds all accessible by mountains".  '
> The article goes on to talk about the seasons for hunting and fishing, and 
> ends with: "The rarity of the atmosphere insures absolute freedon to hay 
> fever patients, but special request is made that no one suffering from 
> pulmonary trouble apply for accommondation."
> There is also a page listing a menu, camp prices and boat rentals.
> AW