You might want to ask your question about "straps" and "straphangers" at:
Walter Greenspan
Great Falls, MT & Jericho, NY
Subj: [NYHIST-L] NYC Subways
Date: 7/7/09 9:10:41 AM Mountain Daylight Time
From: [log in to unmask] (Lester Hendrix)
Sender: [log in to unmask] (A LISTSERV list for discussions
pertaining to New York State history.)
Reply-to: [log in to unmask] (A LISTSERV list for discussions
pertaining to New York State history.)
To: [log in to unmask]
It has been a few years since I rode the subway and I find there are no
straps, and hence no real "straphangers." Does anyone know when the last
straps were retired? Were they removed for a particular reason or merely
omitted as newer cars replaced those with straps?