Subject: | |
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Reply To: | A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." < [log in to unmask]> |
Date: | Wed, 16 Jan 2013 14:01:44 -0500 |
Content-Type: | multipart/alternative |
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In the early 20th century there was a wreck dragged out of Lake Champlain
at Crown Point and put on "display" in the fort. It rotted and crumbled
until a grass fire consumed it. When will people learn it is just better to
leave sunken wrecks in the water where they can be carefully studied,
measured, managed, and preserved where they have already been preserved for
centuries??? There is of course urgency to do this underwater archeology
because of possible new threats such as zebra mussels. We just don't have the
technology yet to raise and preserve shipwrecks, however. Even the Vasa in
Sweden is deteriorating despite the best possible preservation treatment.
The raising of the Philadelphia by Hagglund at Valcour Island was something
of a miracle.
In a message dated 1/16/2013 9:28:33 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
You might also add to that list the "Trumbell" who, like the Ticonderoga
was covered by a wooden structure with a slate roof. When the roof
collapsed under the weight of a heavy snowstorm it too was lost.
R. Miner