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July 1998


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Mark Kaplanoff <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 Jul 1998 11:34:59 +0100
TEXT/PLAIN (28 lines)
I am trying to find information on New York tax rates and revenues for the
period after the end of the American Revolution and before the formation
of the federal government under the Constitution (the period from
1783-1789).  I am aware of the information starting in 1789 summarized in
Don C. Sowers, _Financial History of New York State from 1789 to 1912_
(New York, 1914), but I have not found a convenient source for similar
information for the 1780s.  As far as primary material is concerned, I
have looked through the session laws for the period.  Otherwise, I would
be grateful for any hints about where to look in either primary or
secondary sources.  I am particularly interested in finding a record of
customs duties collected by the state, but would be grateful for
suggestions about where I might find any tax or revenue data.

Thanks very much.

Mark Kaplanoff


Dr M.D. Kaplanoff                                         Pembroke College
University Lecturer in American History                 Cambridge  CB2 1RF
Cambridge University &                                             England
Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge               phone: +44-1223-338151
                                                      fax: +44-1223-338163
History Faculty office (secretary, Ms Susan Pocock) phone: +44-1223-335304
                                                      fax: +44-1223-335968