NYHIST-L Archives

July 1998


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Douglas Morgan <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 08:32:41 -0400
text/plain (25 lines)
Hi Karl
Welcome aboard!  Your intro is fine - if fact it's good to know that there are real
people on the other end of these electronic messages.  My wife and I live in
Western NY, right on the Monroe-Livingston County line.  We belong to several
historical societys in the area and find all parts of local history fascinating.

Again, welcome!
Doug Morgan
Honeoye Falls, NY

Me wrote:

> Hello all
> Im new to the list....and not even sure if intro's are proper.....but I figure
> thats why they put delete keys in computers.
> I live in the Cherry Valley/Cooperstown area of NY.  I have always seemed to be
> aware of history in other areas......but not so much in my own area.
> I recently picked up a few David Eddings books....and one of them talks quite a
> bit about my area in the 1770's.....and *poof*, Im hooked.   Now I cant seem to
> gobble up enough information.
> Well.....thanks for your time....and looking forward to the list.
> Karl Hoffmann
> [log in to unmask]