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April 2001


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Judith Weiland <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 13:44:04 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
Hello Vicki,

The following appeared in the Buffalo News in 1999. It may help with
tracking down the history of beef on weck and cites (as I expected) that
kummelweck rolls were of german origin.

Buffalo News
(Copyright 1999)

Charlie the Butcher, a Buffalo original, will take his place among Wendy's
founder Dave Thomas and
Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders on "American Eats: History
on a Bun," a two-hour
special Saturday on the History Channel.

The world premiere traces the history of American food, looking at how it
has changed to fit evolving
trends, lifestyles and technological advances. Among the segments will be a
piece featuring Charlie
the Butcher, who will show the nation how to make a beef on weck as the
sandwich's turn of the
century story is told. Also featured will be the birth of the ice cream
cone and the opening of the first

William Wahr, a German baker, brought the Kummelweck roll recipe here from
the Black Forest.

Tune in to the special at 8 p.m. Saturday to learn how that roll wound up
in the hands of a Main Street
bar owner who helped put the Buffalo specialty in the history books.

Judith Weiland, Assistant
Office of the Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of History
540 Park Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260-4130
Office (716) 645-2181 ext. 540
fax (716)645-5954
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