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April 2007


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Rick Bova <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Apr 2007 06:15:15 -0800
text/plain (50 lines)
Back when I owned a gentlemen's farm in Sullivan, NY just outside of 
Chittenango in the 1980's, I had purchased an arial photo of the farm from
Vick's Sky Prints
RD#3 Foley Rd. Box 86
Westdale, NY 13483-0086

I did a search on Vick's Sky Prints on google and came up with the 
following page that list the various arial photographer in NY State.

Rick Bova
Researching in Onondaga County: Bova, Lascola, McNamara, Purcell, O'keefe
Researching in Cayuga County: Griffin, Nugent, O'keefe

[log in to unmask] wrote:

>I have been looking for air photos taken by photographers from  airplanes in 
>the Central New York region.
>An early source of photos is "Mason Flying Service"  Air Photo from  Geneva, 
>NY.  the Geneva Historical Society tells me that the Mason Flying  Service was 
>no longer listed in the Geneva Directory by 1950.  I have not  been able to 
>locate anyone that knows what happened to them or where their  negatives might 
>be housed.
>Bill &  Joanne Casey
>Casey Organic Dairy Farms
>PO Box 36
>1136 Berry  Road
>Apulia Station, NY 13020
>315 810-4190
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