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September 2000


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Don Rittner <[log in to unmask]>
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A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 03:31:39 -0400
text/plain (45 lines)
Albany, NY

Capital District Preservation Conference

Contact: Don Rittner

Capital District Preservation Conference Set for September

The Capital District Preservation Task Force is sponsoring a Capital
District Preservation Conference, an all day series of workshops on Friday,
September 22nd, that is devoted to discussing issues relating to the
preservation of the natural and human history of the Capital District of New
York State.

Five Panels will focus on environment, archeology, historic preservation,
legal issues, and planning, as it relates to Capital District resources.

Each panel will be comprised of 4 or more experts in each discipline who
will discuss the pros and cons in achieving preservation of our natural and
human history in the Capital District. The discussions will be interactive
with public participation and the end result will be a publication tool for
future planning efforts in the Capital District.

The public is invited to attend. We encourage all who have an interest to
register and participate.

Opening Remarks will be given by 85 year old John McConnell, Father of Earth
Day. Panelists include (as of August 16, 2000): Ken Dufty, Eric Dialle,
Louise Basa, John McConnell, Joe Fama, Paul Bray, Ned Platt, Thomas Carroll,
Carol Raemsch, Ed Curtin, Peter Henner, Mark Gestrin, and Steve Comer.

For more information call 518.374.1088 or on the Net at

There is a nominal $49 charge.

Seating is extremely limited for this conference.  The conference will be
held at the Northeastern Science Foundation at 13 Third Street, Troy, NY.