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September 2010


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Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:42:54 -0400
"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
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The following announcement is posted by request.  Moderator, NYHIST-L

Antiques Expert Leigh Keno on John Vanderlyn and more,
 at Senate House State Historic Site

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Also: Reception with Leigh Keno and regional arts experts 5:00 - 7:00

The artistic and historic treasures of the Hudson Valley receive
special attention from television personality and keynote speaker, Leigh
Keno, at Senate House State Historic Site on Saturday, October 23, in an
arts forum,” Appraising Art, Re-appraising Vanderlyn“, 10 am to 4:30
pm.  Also, regional experts on Hudson Valley art and culture examine the
artistic Vanderlyn family, including John Vanderlyn, painter of six U.S.
Presidents and an important American artist born in Kingston, NY.
Tickets are $10.  An evening reception with Leigh Keno in the Vanderlyn
Gallery of the Senate House Museum, with wine, food and music, is $50.
per person. For more information and to reserve tickets, please call
(845) 338-2786.

Renowned Americana appraiser, Mr. Keno shares his antique discoveries,
including the auction of early Kingston native Anna Brodhead Oliver’s
portrait for $1.1 million.  The forum introduces the Vanderlyn Catalogue
Raisonné Project to document John Vanderlyn (1775-1852), first American
painter to receive 
a gold medal from Napoleon Bonaparte for his art. If you have Vanderlyn
family art or letters to submit for evaluation, call (845)338-2786.

Presentations include talks on Pieter Vanderlyn and John Vanderlyn
contemporaries. Paintings and antiques from audience members will be
evaluated by Leigh Keno and art experts during the afternoon session.
Post-forum, join Leigh Keno for a soirée with chamber music, period
French wine and hors d’oeuvres in the Senate House Museum. Tickets for
the evening event are $50 per person. Senate House State Historic Site
houses the world’s largest collection of Vanderlyn paintings,
documents and ephemera.

“’Appraising Art, Re-Appraising Vanderlyn’ will be a fun-filled
day for the home antiquer and the art connoisseur with a few surprises
thrown in” stated Katherine Woltz, Vanderlyn Project director, who 
expressed her thanks to the Saugerties Historical Society and Historic
Huguenot Street for their assistance in organizing the forum with the
Friends of Senate House and the staff of Senate House State Historic

Senate House State Historic Site is located at 296 Fair Street,
Kingston, NY 12401, and is part of a system of parks, recreation areas
and historic sites operated by the New York State Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation, and the site is one of 28
facilities administered by the Palisades Interstate Park Commission in
New York and New Jersey.  For further information about this and other
upcoming events please call the site at (845) 338-2786 or visit the
State Parks website at www.nysparks.com.  

Contact:  Pam Malcolm
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