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May 2010


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Researching New York Conference <[log in to unmask]>
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Mon, 10 May 2010 09:39:28 -0400
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Researching New York
November 18-19, 2010
University at Albany

The organizers of the annual Researching New York Conference invite proposals for panels, papers, workshops, roundtables, exhibits, and documentary and multimedia presentations on any facet of New York State history —in any time period and from any perspective. The conference will be held at the University at Albany on November 18th and 19th, 2010. 

For Researching New York 2010, we especially invite proposals that examine and explore the myriad ways that technology has changed how we “do” history--from research to preservation, from classroom teaching to museum exhibits, from on-site to virtual audiences to so much more. Proposals that are not based in New York history, but offer insights into these questions are will be considered. 

Proposals are due June 28, 2010. Complete session proposals, workshops, roundtables, film screenings, and media presentations are preferred; partial panels and individual submissions will be considered. For detailed submission guidelines, visit the Researching New York Web site at http://nystatehistory.org/researchny.

We are also soliciting commentators for panels. If you would like to participate as a commentator, Please send a note to [log in to unmask] indicating your area of expertise, along with a one-page vita.

Researching New York is sponsored by the University at Albany History Department and History Graduate Student Organization and the New York State Archives Partnership Trust.