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August 2001


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A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 08:32:36 -0400
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Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter

Vol 6 No. 33  August 13, 2001

The DAR Lineage books that correspond with the following are
at NYS Library in Albany, NY and other major genealogical and
state libraries. They cover all who served in all states.
Free DAR Patriot Lookup Service

The Daughters of the American Revolution records are among the
most valuable genealogy resources available. Now the society is
offering to look up information for members and non-members alike.
Best of all, the service is free.

Quoting from the DAR Web site:

    The DAR Patriot Index contains names of Revolutionary
    patriots, both men and women, whose service (between 1775 and
    1783) has been established by the National Society, Daughters
    of the American Revolution. Additional information available
    may include: dates and places of birth and death, name(s) of
    wife (wives) or husband(s), rank, type of service, and the
    state where the patriot lived or served. If pension papers are
    known to exist, that fact will be included.

If you are interested in knowing if your ancestor is recognized by
the DAR as a Revolutionary Patriot, fill out the request form at: