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April 1998


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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
James Folts <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 09:55:38 -0400
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"A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history." <[log in to unmask]>
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The National Archives in Washington holds apx. 725 cubic feet of records of the Civilian Conservation Corps (Record Group 35).  The records are described in the new Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives, 3 vols. (Washington:  1995).  The text of the Guide is available on the NARA World-Wide Web site [http://www.nara.gov].  It looks as though most of the records relate to administration of the CCC nationwide, with less information on individual camps and projects.

Mimeographed newsletters of CCC camps nationwide are held by the Center for Research Libraries, 6050 South Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60637; phone 312-955-4545; catalog accessible via telnet to crlcatalog.uchicago.edu.

Because the CCC was a federal program, there are few relevant records in the New York State Archives.  The Archives does hold two boxes of CCC administration, program, and personnel files.  The program files relate to projects in the northeastern Adirondacks.  These projects were co-sponsored by the New York State Conservation Department.  There is also general administrative correspondence and a card file summarizing the history of each of the 93 CCC camps in New York State. The records are New York State Archives series A3268, and are reproduced on 8 reels of microfilm, available for purchase or inter-library loan.  For a full description of the records, go to the Archives' online catalog [http://www.sara.nysed.gov] and type in the series number (A3263) in the subject keyword search field.

James D. Folts
Head, Research Services
New York State Archives
Cultural Education Center Room 11D40
Albany, NY 12230  USA
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Phone (518) 474-8955; Fax (518) 473-9985