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List Name


List Title

AEBARBAEBARB 222 Appearance Enhancement & Barbering Listserv (222)
ALTEDLISTALTEDLIST 59 Alt. Ed. Steering Committee (59)
ASST-SUPTASST-SUPT 133 Assistant Superintendents (133)
BPSSSCHOOLSBPSSSCHOOLS 27 used for the dissemination of pertinent information to BPSS licensed schools. (27)
BPSSTEACHBPSSTEACH 3612 Used for the dissemination of pertinent information to BPSS Licensed teachers. (3612)
CBT-DSMATHCBT-DSMATH 304 District superintendents participating in NYSED Computer-Based Testing (304)
CNTRAINCNTRAIN 191 Child Nutrition Training Updates (191)
COUNSELORSCOUNSELORS 16 NYS school counselors (16)
CTEBIZCTEBIZ 805 CTE Business Education (805)
CTEVISARTCTEVISART 36 A LISTSERV for CTE visual arts, A/V tech, and graphic communications contacts. (36)
DIGITALEQUITYNYDIGITALEQUITYNY 353 Discussion list for digital equity work in NY, facilitated by the State Library. (353)
EAST-RAMAPOEAST-RAMAPO 436 East Ramapo (436)
EDFORUM-LEDFORUM-L 290 A LISTSERV list to discuss NYS Education Issues. (290)
EESTWPRINEESTWPRIN 58 Essential Elements Schools to Watch Principals and Leadership Team (58)
GISNY-LGISNY-L 650 GIS in New York discussion group. (650)
HEMPSTEADHEMPSTEAD 97 Hempstead school district and community (97)
LIBRARY-LLIBRARY-L 148 To distribute State Library information notices to librarians. (148)
NEWMARC-LNEWMARC-L 1541 An announcement and information list for the New Netherland Project (1541)
NOVEL-DBNOVEL-DB 2594 An announcement and information list for users of NOVELny Databases (2594)
NY-ERATENY-ERATE 110 discussion list for library E-rate contacts (110)
NYHIST-LNYHIST-L 520 A LISTSERV list for discussions pertaining to New York State history. (520)
NYLINENYLINE 2162 New York's Libraries Information Network (2162)
NYS-LGHNYS-LGH 75 A list for local government historians to exchange information. (75)
NYS-PGONYS-PGO 193 A discussion list for Perkins Postsecondary Grants Officers. (193)
NYSATL-FACNYSATL-FAC 43 A LISTSERV List for New York State Academy for Teaching and Learning Facilitators (43)
NYSDOCNYSDOC 268 Communication among members of both State & Federal Document Depository Programs in NY. (268)
NYSMBKNYSMBK 1914 My Brother's Keeper | New York State (1914)
OAE-BLAST1OAE-BLAST1 82 Distribution of the OAE-Blast to internal staff and external stakeholders (82)
ONLYPERKGOONLYPERKGO 51 Only Perkins Grants Officers (51)
PAN-PILOTPAN-PILOT 252 Information and updates about New York’s PAN Pilot. (252)
PARENTSPARENTS 2763 Parents (2763)
PLAN-PILOTPLAN-PILOT 1303 Plan Pilot Listserv (1303)
PUBHEAR22PUBHEAR22 9463 ACCES-VR 2022 State Plan public hearing announcement (9463)
RETHINKRETHINK 622 Rethink K-12 Education Models Grant (622)
RSU-SEITRSU-SEIT 87 Distribute notices on updates to Rate Setting Unit & special education info (87)
STATE-LSTATE-L 559 To distribute State Library information notices to NY State employees. (559)
TDLCOPTDLCOP 60 A list for Target Districts' Assistant Superintendents, Directors, & other Target District Leaders (60)
TECHEDTECHED 119 A compilation of contacts from within the field of Technology Education (119)
TEST394LTEST394L 693 Testing list for possible listserv automation (693)
TEST394L2TEST394L2 346 Test list for Walter Hamm (346)
WBLLISTSERVWBLLISTSERV 619 Receive info from NYSED work-based learning coordinators throughout the state. (619)
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