REMINDER Researching New York: Perspectives on Empire State History Friday. November, 19, 1999 A one day conference with a special focus on researching New York State history. Sponsored by theDepartment of History and the History Graduate Student Organizaton at the University at Albany - SUNY. The updated Conference Program and registration information are available at: Registration is $15.00 and includes and includes lunch. To register for the conference, or for further information, e-mail us at [log in to unmask] or call 518-442-4488.. The Conference Coordinating Committee RESEARCHING NEW YORK Laurie Kozakiewicz Susan L. McCormick Tod Ottman Laura Wittern-Keller Department of History - Ten Broeck 105 University at Albany - SUNY Albany, New York 12222 [log in to unmask] 518-442-4488