The Associated Press last week ran a small item about it in the Albany Times Union and said that Amelia Bloomer "invented" the bloomers. I'm anxious to see if the film credits the actual designer, Elizabeth (Smith) Miller. Honor Conklin >>> Bonnie Glickman <[log in to unmask]> 10/18 4:51 PM >>> Saturday night I attended a premier showing of clips from NOT FOR OURSELVES ALONE: THE STORY OF ELIZABETH CADY STANTON & SUSAN B. ANTHONY. The program consisted of clips from the film introduced by Ken Burns and Paul Barnes. I'm certainly not an expert on this subject, but I consider myself to be fairly knowledgeable...I learned a lot and think the film is excellent! I urge you to mark your calendars with the show dates on PBS: November 7 & 8. The clips we saw included phots, old film clips, interviews with women who remember the first time women voted (legally) in the U.S., comments from biographers and historians, and more. The Susan B. Anthony House has a web site and I have included some parts of the "More about the film" section: The following passages are from "When eight million women went to the polls and voted for the first time ever in 1920, Elizabeth Cady Stanton had been dead for almost 18 years and Susan B. Anthony for 14," says Burns. "However, it was the direct legacy of their tireless advocacy and a tenacious belief that all Americans - regardless of race, creed or sex - must be treated equally that led to this historic event," he notes. "And beyond the vote, these two women created a movement that literally transformed American society by winning for women advances in every- thing from education to divorce law and the right to own property. They are, in my opinion, the two most important women in American history." While the most notable contribution made by Stanton and Anthony is the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, NOT FOR OURSELVES ALONE goes beyond the suffrage effort to reveal the other equally revolutionary changes these two women effected. Both were born into a country where women were not allowed to attend college, where wives were considered the property of their husbands, where women could not testify in a court of law, where it was even considered indecent for women to speak in public, and where black women (and men) were enslaved in some states. By the time Stanton and Anthony died in the early 20th century, they could rightly take credit for changing how women were perceived and how they were treated. In doing so, they built a movement of women, young and old, who fought in legislative halls and town squares around the country to hold the American ideal of equality to a new standard. "With such women consecrating their lives," Anthony wrote shortly before her death, "failure is impossible!" "Our world is different because of Stanton and Anthony," Burns explains. "However, our world has also forgotten what these two women and an army of others did to win equality. Hopefully this film will end the long silence surrounding their story and embed it in the public's mind once and for all - for it is an integral part of the ongoing evolution of our American democracy." -------------------------------------------------------- Bonnie Glickman, Rochester NY