From John Rathbone at [log in to unmask] G'Day, Daniel! Thank you for your very informative note on the role of the Village of Hamilton in Madison County during the War of 1812! Or, rather, the "non-role"! I, too, am inclined toward the opinion that the tale may be an old campfire story. Your point about a troop of Canadians making it all the way to southeastern Madison County without any opposition (at least that we know about) is well taken -- as well as why they would _want_ to come here and do battle! Perhaps I must pack a bag, climb in the pick-up, and drive to Ottawa and scan the walls of Parliament! I have been looking for an excuse to return and that would be a good one. Best done before the snow flies! I have seen the NYS "historical marker" commemorating "Champlain's Battle With the Iroquois" in the Town of Fenner, south of Canastota, on the county road between Clockville and Peterboro, many times. What a shame that this bit of "history" which we were all taught as youngsters in our 7th and 8th grade social studies classes is not true. We were told this battle was the basis, of course, for understanding why the Iroquois sided with the British in the French and Indian War: they hated the French! Ah, well, another "truth from my youth" shattered...! Many thanks for getting back to me so quickly!