I called the Saratoga Battlefield about Arnold memorials. At Schuylerville at the Saratoga Monument is an empty niche in the memorial which is where Benedict Arnold's place should have been. There is information about the memorial on the sign near the parking lot at this memorial explaining it's design. At Stop 7 on the Battlefield is a boot monument with information about Arnold. The person I spoke with at the Battlefield did not know if there was any memorial to Arnold at West Point. Ruth Ann Messick Heritage Hunters of Saratoga Co., NY Our volunteers are creating a data base for the Battlefield which will contain all Patriots who served that can be located from documents of their service. They are currently reading all of the pensions of the Rev. War and extracting all information, especially genealogical, about the men whose records show service in Stillwater, Bemis or Saratoga at the time of Burgoyne's encampment and surrender there. This is a works in progress. Visit our Saratoga GenWebPage for information located to date. <http://www.rootsweb.com/~nysarato/> I am currently on [log in to unmask] and extracting all information about Burgoyne's troups, especially the Hessians who were serving here at the time of the surrender; during the imprisonment of these troups; lists of the escapees; and very interesting documented stories about these people. Many actually joined the other side very early and are also in the list of Patriots. A descendant of these troups will speak at Saratoga Battlefield this Friday ,08 Oct at 7pm. From Hanau, Dr.von Gall, a descendant of the Colonel Wilhelm Rudolf von Gall, commander of the Hesse-Hanau Regiment Erbprinz, who was captured together with General v.Riedesel and the British General Burgoyne at Saratoga on 17.October 1777. Dr.von Gall will speak about his famous ancestor, and the correspondence Dr.v.Gall found of that time period. This is open to the public.