I, and I am sure others, would be interested in a list of the woman in each county honored by markers. Is there one? Who determined the women selected? >'William MacKay' COM <[log in to unmask]> >To: [log in to unmask] > >Although I very seldom answer broadcast e-mails, but the recent >communication from Ian MacIver deserves comment. > >To my knowledge, NYS rarely creates historic markers with public funds >anymore. Last year, however, as part of a state wide "Women's Hstory >Celebration ", Gov. Pataki provided money to each county to commemorate >special women in NY history. Each county has erected one sign to celebrate >one outstanding woman with some connection to that particular county. >Thanks to this initiative there are 64 new state historic markers in >place. County and local historians worked together to chose the subject, >write the text, and locate the marker. Whether or not Pataki should be >credited, it was a governor's initiative to fund this program. >