One showed up on the Antiques Road show on PBS, believe it or not. Also check with the NY State Museum- I thought they had one in their collection.

>>> "Furness, Greg [SAR]" <[log in to unmask]> 09/09 10:02 AM >>>
By a joint resolution of the House and Senate, May 20, 1826, delivery of
rifles was authorized to the members of Aiken's Company of Volunteers
for distinguished service at the Battle of Plattsburgh, 1814. These were
Hall model breach-loaders, with a commemorative, engraved brass plate in
the stock. Apparently 19 or 20 were originally made.

I am trying to track down any surviving examples of these rifles, so
that I may contact the owners/institituions to arrange for photographs.

Any assistance, suggestions, etc. appreciated!
