Migration Workshop and Genealogy Fair
Sat., October 2, 1999 (9:00AM to 5:00PM)
Admission only $5.00!
3 workshops--each an additional $5.00

Theme: Canadian, New England, and New York state
migration and immigration. The genealogy fair is
for both newcomers and experienced researchers.

Workshop Speakers:
-19th and 20th century steamship lines and routes
 by Barry Eager of Berlin, MA secretary of
 The Steamship Historical Society of America
-Railroad history in the Boston States migrations
 Ronald Dale Karr of Pepperell, MA
-Quebec to Central Mass. & Conn. migrations mid-1800s
 by Kay Sheldon of Brookfield, MA  prof. geneologist

Help available for genealogy research, including
Irish, English, French and Italian.

Italian booth:
*free research help with Italian genealogy
resources to browse through, such as:

-Italians to America, Volumes 1-10 (lists of Italian
   passengers arriving Port of NY up to 1897)
-Italian regional and province maps
   from "Our Heritage" for locating villages
   (will also be for sale)
-samples of COI and POINT magazines
-other reference aids for Italian genealogy

HELP NEEDED: volunteer knowledgeable on the subject
of NEW YORK LOYALISTS 17-1800s, to be on hand for
questions and answers.

For further information see:
to RSVP contact Sharon Sergeant at: <[log in to unmask]>

Debora L. Hill, MLS
Pallante Center for Italian Research
P.O. Box 4664
Queensbury, NY  12804