We have perhaps the largest Amos Eaton collection here at the State Library and it includes some journals of the Erie Canal geology trip for RPI students. We don't have a lot the staff time to read thru. these journals, but I will see if there is anything for the date May 9, 1826 about the Chittenango school. Jim Corsaro James Corsaro Associate Librarian Manuscripts and Special Collections New York State Library Albany, NY 12230 It is well said that each new child who comes into the world proves that God has not given up hope. (G. Easterbrook) >>> Michelle Arpey <[log in to unmask]> 06/08 9:04 AM >>> If I remember correctly, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute has a small Amos Eaton collection that might be helpful. Also, I think that his student's name is Asa Fitch. Someone at the RPI Archives and Special Collections might be able to point you in the right direction. >>> David Minor <[log in to unmask]> 06/05 8:27 PM >>> Greetings, I'm doing research for a documentary script including Professor Amos Eaton's 1826 field trip across the state on the Erie Canal. One of his students, Asa Firch, later state entomologist, kept a journal of the expedition, and mentions stopping on May 9th to visit the Chittenengo Polytechnic school (apparently a grade school) run by a Mr. Yates. Can anyone provide any details on either Yates or the school? Hope to see some of you at Oneonta next weekend. Thanks, David Minor David Minor Eagles Byte Historical Research Pittsford, New York 716 264-0423 [log in to unmask] http://home.eznet.net/~dminor includes NYNY, a series of timelines covering New York City and State, from approximately 450,000,000 BC to 1990 AD.