Since some new information on this topic has been posted, I would like to thank the new contributors and summarize all the findings in case anyone is interested. 1. The original query was to identify the "Spier's 1660 NY Map". 2. Readers of this list suggested that the map might be found in "The Legend of New Amsterdam" by Peter Spier. A copy was ordered via ILL from, appropriately, the Amsterdam, NY Free Library. The map titled, "the City of New Amsterdam on the Island of Manhatten in the Colony of New Netherland, Anno 1660", appears on the last page of this children's book, accompanied by a "Description and Key to the Plan" which identifies most of the military installations, businesses and residences shown on the map. 3. This same map appears as an image map, as part of the Virtual New Amsterdam project on Fleet Teachout's web page at: Use this same URL, without map.html , to obtain information about using this image map and link from [A table] to view/print an alphabetical list (by first name) compiled from the book's "Description and Key to the Plan". 4. Although no mention is made in the Spier book, David Allen has pointed out that The City of New Amsterdam map which Mr. Spier created for his publication, is a 'redrawing' of "The Costello Plan" which is described in "Manhatten in Maps, 1556-1995" by Paul E. Cohen and "The Iconography of Manhatten Island, 1498-1909" by I. N. Phelps Stokes. Both of these publications are available at the NYS Library. Fletch Blanchard