You're thinking of _The Sterile Cuckoo_ (1969 or 70)--which was, I think, Alan Pakula's first directorial effort. Much of the filming was done on location. Wagner wrote: > > Regarding films made in upstate NY, there was one starring Liza > Minnelli...can't recall the name of it unfortunately... which was set at > Hamilton College > and also had some scenes in Sylvan Beach, NY. > > Geri Wagner > Technicrafts > Communications Design > (315) 337-6463 > [log in to unmask] > > "For all that has been, Thanks. > To all that shall be, Yes." > -Dag Hammarskjold -- Kenneth J. Blume, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. of History Head, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Albany College of Pharmacy 106 New Scotland Ave 518-445-7265; Fax: 518-445-7202 Albany, NY 12208 E-MAIL: [log in to unmask] _I_ _I)__)I_ )_)__)__) \)_)__)__) \ \I I )I\)_---- |________/ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+