In a message dated 12/14/98 2:37:29 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< I have been writing my history for my Grandchildren and
 would like some information, or a picture, of the rail car
 barges, or ferries, that crossed the river at New York City.
  Do you know where I can get such information.

 I would appreciate hearing from you.=20

 Don Grove                       (905)  945-5203
 36 Lakeview Avenue
 Grimsby,  Ontario
 L3M 3M2                 email  <[log in to unmask]> >>
Above URL has photos and info on rail/barge systems in NYC
The NYC Dock Railway still operates near Bush Terminal Brooklyn -
There has been a lot of talk of re-instituting the cross harbor rail/barge

Michael Pollack