GenevaEB Odds &
A Newsletter of Eagles Byte Historic
October 1998 No. 33
Life of a Salesman
Cemetery Hopping
There are no horse races today down at the fairgrounds by the Genesee.
And there is no dance this week on the second floor of Murphy's Tavern.
Up the hillside along Jay Street, the millstones and condensers of
Charles Scholl's gristmill and distillery will go untended. The front
door of Alexander McDonald's store won't swing open at the hand of a
customer. Diagonally across the square from Murphy's, the tap room of
the Starr Tavern is silent. Silence rules the church, the school, the
blacksmith shop. The cemetery 300 paces up the hillside is deserted,
except for a small work crew repairing a gravestone. On the other side
of Abel Road a herd of dairy cattle quietly graze.
The cows and the work crew are real. The rest exists solely in old
archives and ledgers. The only recent evidence found on the site is a
few cut nails, brass buttons, horseshoes, shards of glass. Even the
square on Williams Street has vanished. Where it once stood,
automobiles swoosh through on Route 36, headed toward and away from
Geneseo, three miles to the north. Here stood Williamsburgh, New York.
About thirty miles to the North in another, much larger cemetery,
Rochester's Mount Hope, rests the mortal remains of one of the city's
founders, Nathaniel Rochester himself. But back here in Williamsburgh,
his two co-founders, Major Charles Carroll and Colonel William Fitzhugh
rest in their quiet plots. One man brought Rochester, Carroll and
Fitzhugh to the Genesee Valley. Williamsburgh owed its existence to one
man. The New York State towns and cities of Sodus, Geneva, Bath,
Caledonia and Lyons also owed their presence to one man. Charles
Williamson. He rests beneath the waves of the Atlantic.
A Feather in His Cap
It was in 1781 that Captain Charles Williamson, dissatisfied veteran of
Britain's Twenty-Fifth Regiment, first crossed the Atlantic, with
letters of introduction to Lord Cornwallis in his luggage. He received
a warm welcome, not from Cornwallis, but from the U. S. vessel Marquis
of Salem; the former captain found himself a prisoner of war for the
duration. Being a gentleman and a non-combatant, having sold his army
commission, he was sent not to an American prison, but to the much more
pleasant confines of the Ebenezer Newell home in Roxbury,
Massachusetts. When he returned to Britain at war's end, he was not
alone. Accompanying him was the new Mrs. Williamson, the former Abigail
Newell. The new bridegroom had found a wife and a homeland. He would
On January 9th, 1792, when Charles Williamson stepped out of a
Philadelphia courtroom into the brisk winter air, he was a new American
citizen and about to become a landowner, proprietor of one of the
largest pieces of property in the world, totaling close to 1,000,000
acres. (The two roles are not unrelated.) He had not been idle in the
intervening nine years. Williamson's father Alexander served as a
factor for the Earl of Hopetoun. Today we'd call the position a foreman
or overseer. As a Robertson, his mother had many family connections
including Sir William Pulteney and future Cabinet member Henry Dundas,
Lord Melville. Charles and Abigail were soon settled on a Hopetoun
estate at Balgray. He entered into politics and agricultural
experimentation. And he was bored; too much energy in too small a
space. He set off for London, seeking government service, through his
family connections. He was soon off on a journey, first to Marseilles,
then to the Balkans, where he gathered information on Russia and
Turkey. Returning to London he waited in vain for further government
employment, finally returning to Balgray, where he continued with his
agricultural pursuits and won the local Clackmannanshire election. And
the energy began building up again.
It was a legal restriction back in the former American colonies that
provided the outlet. Aliens could not own property in the U. S. The
Federalists, wishing to strengthen ties with the Mother Country, were
striving for repeal of the laws, but Thomas Jefferson's republican
adherents, distrusting the British, were adamantly opposed. So when
Williamson's relative Sir William Pulteney, reputedly the wealthiest
man in Britain, decided to invest in American real estate, he had to
create a loophole. There was only one way. Someone in his employ must
become a
U. S. citizen, settle on the new lands, assume ownership and run the
enterprise. By the time he had purchased a million acres in western New
York State, he and his associates had been casting about for such an
employee. When Williamson came under consideration he had much to
recommend him. Family connections counted heavily, even in the New
World. He was familiar with government circles, knew the world outside
of Scotland and London, grew up in a family that was familiar with the
problems of running property, had worked with the most advanced farming
techniques and was bursting with ideas. And, he was willing to live in
foreign lands. (Abigail of course would be happy to return to her own
Details were worked out and the contract was signed in London on April
26th, 1791. Plans moved swiftly ahead. Williamson, Sir William, and the
other two principals, former governor of Bombay William Hornby and
promoter Patrick Colquhoun, bustled about London, laying the
groundwork. The Pulteney lands were isolated from the population
centers of New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia. It would be necessary
to build roads before a critical number of settlers could be induced to
purchase the new lands; roads for entry and roads for getting
agricultural products back out of the frontier. Colquhoun engaged a
German nobleman, the Baron De Damar to provide the muscle power by way
of the residents of his duchy. De Damar turned the whole project over
to his assistant, Wilhelm von Moll de Berczy. Unplanned consequences
would arise from this arrangement.
Are We There, Yet?
Getting settlers to the new lands was a problem to be solved once the
new Agent was in place. Getting him there was difficult enough. A ship,
the bark Robinson, was hired to move the Captain,
Abigail and recent additions, Christy, Alexander and baby Anny, to
their new home. It arrived at Annan, on Scotland's Solway Firth, on the
first of July. It took a week to get everything, including furniture,
clothing, frontier supplies and 100 guns, stowed away and the family on
board. Because of insurance considerations (even then) gunpowder was
not part of the cargo. Then there was a wait of four days for favorable
wind conditions. Which arose and then quickly deteriorated. It was
August 4th before the Robinson could make enough
headway to make it out of Solway Firth, only for the crew to then
discover a leak. The problem worsened and on the 7th the ship was
forced to lay over for repairs on the Isle of Man. It was an extremely
stormy Atlantic Ocean that finally greeted the Williamsons. The voyage
dragged out. Supplies began running low. The children became sickly and
listless, and tempers probably began mimicking the tumult around them.
When the ship finally arrived at the Virginia Capes near Norfolk,
Williamson decided they had all had enough. Rather than continuing on
to his destination at Philadelphia, he had the ship anchor where it was
and he moved his family ashore. The ocean span that the Concorde
crosses in a few hours today had taken 17 weeks. Virginia must have
looked like paradise.
The family moved up to Baltimore that winter. By Christmas Williamson
had been to Philadelphia and begun networking with businessmen,
speculators and family connections. And then, on the ninth day of the
new year - citizen Williamson. The job awaited.
There are particular qualities necessary to become good in sales. Among
them are high levels of energy, vast enthusiasm about the product,
imagination, and the ability to track multiple simultaneous activities.
The new citizen had these qualities in abundance and an almost blank
canvas to paint on. At this time there were only 900 whites scattered
across the state to the west of Seneca Lake. Tiny pockets of settlers,
most from New England, barely maintained toeholds is the future Geneva,
Pittsford, Canandaigua, Bloomfield, Hector and Honeoye Falls. Jemima
Wilkinson, The Public Universal Friend had founded a religious
community at New Jerusalem, partway down Seneca Lake from Geneva. One
lonely tavern at Lewiston was all that represented civilization over on
the Niagara frontier.
This nearly blank canvas represented fertile opportunities to the
Pulteney agent and he lost no time in making the most of them. 1792 was
to be very busy. Williamson seemed to be everywhere at once; a
familiar, dashing (in both senses) sight all over York state; a tall,
slender figure usually dressed in lace cuffs, knee breeches, buckled
shoes, and a powdered wig, and displaying the manners of a courtier. He
was an accomplished horseman and duelist, although I've found no
evidence for the latter claim. It may have stemmed from his days in the
In January, even as he was becoming a citizen, two of his new aides,
Charles Cameron and John Johnstone, fellow Scots, were headed out of
Baltimore for the region around Carlisle, Pennsylvania, with a wagon
train loaded with the raw materials of frontier empire. Williamson met
with Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton before leaving
Philadelphia. He also met with British Ambassador Hammond and Captain
Charles Stevenson, a representative of Canadian Lieutenant Governor
John Graves Simcoe, to discuss the international implications of his
plans for the Pulteney properties. This was vital. It was important to
maintain cordial relations with Britain and at the same time avoid
throwing a scare into the skittish and prickly neighbors to the north
of Lake Ontario. Then it was off to central New York for a brief
inspection. Then back to Philadelphia to call on Robert Morris, and
vice president John Adams' son-in-law William S. Smith. On April 11th
Williamson officially took title to the Pulteney lands. In spite of a
murky business outlook he began planning a series of innovations and
improvements concerning markets, harbors, roads and the mails. In June
he moved his family up to Baltimore, so as to have them closer to the
New York projects. Leaving Abigail and the children there he plunged up
into New York again, exploring the area around Big Tree (today's
Geneseo) and settling on a spot three miles to the south of the small
settlement for his wilderness capital, which he decided to name
Williamsburgh, not for himself but for his employer Sir William.
In August he lit out for the state capital in Albany. While passing to
the south of Keuka Lake he was ambushed by an unrecognized and
unsuspected enemy, the common mosquito. The pioneers of the area were
well acquainted with the result - Genesee Fever. A malaria-like
disease, it seemed to strike blindly, making the victim feel weak and
depressed for weeks at a time. Then it would clear as mysteriously as
it had arrived, only to return again the following Spring. And each
Spring after that. There was no remedy; you just had to suffer through
it and try to forget that it would come again. It struck while he was
near today's village of Savona and he was taken in by the John Dolson
family of Mud Creek until he had recuperated enough to continue his
While their chief attempted to be in three or four places
simultaneously Cameron and Johnstone moved the supplies up to
Williamsburgh and hired impoverished locals to begin building their
headquarters. Johnstone built a barn at Williamsburgh and then moved a
house being built nearby for Williamson next to the barn. The British
upper classes liked their creature comforts and the Captain was no
exception; the house was noted for having a luxurious feature - a brick
chimney. It would be known as the Hermitage Farm. Nathaniel Fowler
arrived and invested $275 in building the Starr Tavern. The carpenters
began clamoring for pay and their employer returned from Albany before
things got out of control, to pay the overdue wages. Like a young
executive suddenly on an expense account, Williamson spent unstintingly
on all of his schemes. It had not yet become axiomatic that you had to
spend money to make money, but he instinctively understood the concept.
An infrastructure for a village requires continuous financial
nourishment and many Williamson account books reside in area archives
and libraries today, detailing these expenditures. Horses and livestock
continued arriving throughout the Summer and Fall. As did the bills.
The winter of 1792-1793, like other winters, was a time to review
accomplishments and plan for the coming year. Wiliamsburgh was growing.
Fifty-two lots had been sold and Hermitage Farm now consisted of the
house and barn, as well as a storehouse and a stable (with eight
residents), the whole flanked by a peach orchard and supporting 60
cows, 100 each of oxen and swine. The most valuable commodity was the
settler, with skills and talents necessary to a frontier economy. Most
of them would have few tangible assets and Williamson knew they would
have to be subsidized for a number of years before he could expect a
return on his investment. So fresh capital would also be required. And
the Pulteney Association would not be the sole player in the game. In
the coming year Robert Morris would complete the sale of 3,600,000
acres of land west of the Genesee t for the
Holland Land Company, a new consortium of Amsterdam banking houses. New
York capitalist Herman Le Roy and his associates William Bayard and
John McEvers would purchase 85,000 acres of land from Morris to be
known as the Triangle Tract. It was time for another of Williamson's
talents to come to the fore; that of the promoter. And our man was
equal to the task.
P. T. Barnum, Watch and Learn
Williamson knew that if he wanted to attract large amounts of capital
he'd have to create the impression that buyers would receive good value
for their investment. Wealth attracts wealth, prosperity attracts
prosperity. Williamsburgh and Geneva would be key sites in the effort
but Captain Williamson inherently felt that nothing succeeds like
excess. If two population centers were good, double the number would be
even better. Maybe more. He'd come across one place he found
particularly attractive, the wide, flat valley floor of the Conhocton
River. He decided to build a city here that would appeal to the upscale
crowd, a wilderness estate fit for a country gentlemen, providing every
luxury persons of refinement and taste could desire, a frontier utopia.
He would name it for Sir William's daughter Henrietta, the Countess of
Bath. She would later lend her first name to a town south of
Other locations appealed as well. Williamson had visions of a great
trade route stretching to the north and across Lake Ontario, linking
the forests of Canada to the incipient granaries and mills of an
Anglo-New York. He chose a site to be named Sodus as the main south
shore port. West of Bath he planned another outpost, one day to be
named by others as Corning. Still another site, at the juncture of
Ganargwa Creek and Canandaigua Outlet, reminded him of the confluence
of Europe's Rhone and Saone rivers, and he decided to name a settlement
there Lyons, after its French counterpart. The Agent was designing
central New York. He dreamed, and the sheer number of his dreams
insured that many would indeed come true. But others would not, and the
next few years would see settlements rise while others fell. Many
obstacles awaited. Canada did not share his vision. Rivals such as the
Holland Land Company and the Triangle Tract to the west and Judge
William Cooper's to the southeast would compete for settlers. The
tribes of the Iroquois were now regretting the loss of their lands to
the white speculators. And civil strife approached from the south.
To be continued...
At this point I would like to thank the following people for their aid
in the writing of this article. John Topham, for the extended loan of
the Cowan book. Wayne Mahood, for arranging a visit to Williamsburgh.
And especially Groveland Historian Lawrence R. Turner for guiding our
small party through the cemetery. He also heads up the work crew
restoring the graveyard. Larry provided valuable insight into the
Williamson-Berczy blow-up. More of that next time.
Alderman, Clifford Lindsey - Colonists for Sale: The Story of
Servents in America (New York, Macmillan, 1975)
Allodi, Mary Macauly; Moogk, Peter N.; Stock, Beate - Berczy (Ottawa,
National Gallery of Canada, 1991
Andre, John - William Berczy: Co-Founder of Toronto. (Toronto, York
Beale, Irene A. - Genesee Valley People, 1743-1962 (Geneseo NY,
Hill Press, 1983)
Brunberg, David G. - The Making of an Upstate Community, Geneva
Carmer, Carl - Genesee Fever (novel, New York, Farrar, 1941)
Clune, Henry - Rivers of America: The Genesee (New York, Holt, Rinehart
Winston, 1963)
Cowan, Helen I. - Charles Williamson (Rochester NY, Rochester
Society Publication Fund Series, Volume XIX, 1941)
Doty, Lockwood - History of Genesee Country (Chicago, S. J. Clarke,
Liebich, Georg Siegmund - Address of the German Colonists in the
to Their Superintendent William Berczy (1793)
Markham Bicentennial - A Story of the Markham-Berczy Settlers: 200
in Markham, 1794-1994 (Markham, Ontario, 1994)
McKelvey, Blake - The Genesee Country Villages in Early Rochester's
(Rochester History, Volume XLVII, 1985)
Parker, Arthur C. - Charles Williamson, Builder of the Genesee Country
(Rochester NY, Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series,
Volume VI, 1927)
Peer, Sherman - The Genesee River Country, Historical Sketches (self
published typescript, Rochester Public Library, 1955)
Richardson, A. J. H.; Cowan, Margaret I., eds. - Williams Berczy's
Williamsburgh Documents (Rochester NY, Rochester Historical
Society Publication Fund Series, Volume XX, 1942)
Copies of Letters to Charles Cameron from Charles Williamson Relating
the Settlement of the "Genesee Country" 1804-1807 (bound
typescript, Rochester Public Library, 1929)
German Pioneers of Toronto and Markham Township, the Story of William
Moll Berczy ( (Markham, Ontario, 1987)
If you're interested in happenings at the other end of the state, this
Newsday site could keep you occupied for hours. From
the terminal moraine that gave birth to the island to the most recent
adventures of the Long Island Rail Road's dashing commuter, this site
presents dozens of articles from the newspaper's correspondents. It's
to be found at:
One bit of advice. The main page is loaded with graphics and can often
take quite a while to load. If once you've reached it, you decide to
spend several visits on one particular section, click on it. After you
reach the list of articles there, bookmark the section, rather than the
main page. It loads much faster.
We'll look at events happening in Europe in 1792, as Williamson is
beginning to populate the Finger Lakes region.
Jan 11 Thomas Jefferson's report on Spanish negotiations is
submitted to the U. S. Senate.
Jan 12 Thomas Pinckney is named as the first U. S. Minister to Great
Jan 15 Jefferson decides to retire at the end of President
Washington's first term.
Feb 7 Domenico Cimarosa's opera The Secret Marriage
premieres at
Vienna's Burgtheater.
Feb 23 English painter Sir Joshua Reynolds dies.
Mar 3 Scottish architect Robert Adam dies.
Mar 5 British ambassador George Hammond presents Britain's
position on peace treaty terms to Washington.
Mar 10 The U. S. House of Representatives adopts resolutions in
regard to the new constitution in France.
Mar 29 King Gustav III of Sweden is assassinated at a masquerade.
His death is the inspiration for Verdi's A Masked
Apr 20 France, in need of a war to stimulate her collapsed economy,
declares one on Austria.
Apr 29 Three French columns invade the Austrian Netherlands, panic
under fire, and retreat.
May France declares war on Sardinia.
July Louis XVI names Charles Xavier Joseph d'Abancourt as his
minister of war.
Jul 18 U. S. naval hero John Paul Jones dies in Paris.
Jul 30 La Marseillaise is first sung, in Paris.
August The French launch a drive against the Austrians in Dutch
Aug 4 Catholic churchman Edward Irving is born in Annan, Scotland.
Aug 10 D'Abancourt organizes the defense of the Tuileries. Refusing
the command by the Legislative Assembly to send away the
The Cent Suisse (French Royal Household Guards), he is
arrested for treason to the nation and sent to Orleans for
trial. The Guards, are murdered by revolutionary mobs as the
monarchy is overthrown. At the end of the month the
Assembly orders that the prisoners at Orleans be transferred
to Paris escorted by Claude Fournier.
Sep 2 Paris mobs lead by Maillard begin massacring political
prisoners housed in the Abbaye Prison and other jails. Former
French foreign minister Armand-Marc, Comte de
Montmorin-Saint-Hérem is among the victims.
Sep 5 The Abbaye killings stop after 164 prisoners have been
Sep 6 Other Parisian killings stop.
Sep 8 Abancourt and other prisoners are murdered by a mob at
Versailles. Fournier is unjustly charged with complicity.
Sep 15 France declares war against Sardinia.
Sep 20 Frederick of Brunswick, invading France, clashes with
36,000 raw recruits at Valmy, declares the French position
as impregnable, and retreats.
Sep 22 This date is declared year 1 of France's revolutionary
calendar. The royal family is imprisoned and all royal and
ecclesiastical property is expropriated. The National
Convention declares France to be a republic.
Sep 27 Illustrator George Cruikshank is born in London.
Nov 6 The French commander Dumouriez defeats the Austrians at
Jemappes, Belgium.
Nov 19 The National Convention declares its intention to aid other
subjected peoples.
Dec 10 The French war government turns its functions over to the
Committee of Public Safety and General Security.
Dec 26 Mathematician Charles Babbage is born in Totnes,
Devonshire, England.
As always, I hope you enjoyed this issue of Odds & Ends. Let me know
what you think. ([log in to unmask])
Part II of the Williamson article (it might possibly
run to three parts) will come out around Thanksgiving, Then in
December, always a busy month, we can all concentrate on other things.
Copyright 1998 David Minor / Eagles Byte
David Minor
Eagles Byte Historical Research
Rochester, New York
716 264-0423
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