The City of Albany passed its Historic Resources Ordinance some 12 years ago, providing protection and regulation of the built and archaeological environments in the City's historic districts and in certain other cases. I have served on the Historic Resources Commission since it was formed, and we function as a specialized zoning board under that enabling legislation. I suggest that you call our staff guy, Rich Nicholson, in the City's Planning Office. 518/434-2532.
>>> Susan Walski <[log in to unmask]> 07/01 12:26 PM >>>
Hello to all,

    I am trying to locate municipalities within NY State that have adopted
Historic Preservation acts in regards to landmarking and preserving older
structures within the municipality itself.  I would also appreciate any
input from other persons on this.


Each day, the sun gives me a new canvas to paint on and in the evening, the
stars ignite the fires of eternal hope in my heart. 
ICQ # 12402752