I'd suggest speaking to:

Ms. Katherine Raub Ridley
Associate Director/Counsel
Preservation League of NYS
Legal Services Program
166 Water Street
Binghamton, NY  13901
(607) 722-4568

Kathy routinely helps communities with preservation ordinances.

>Hello to all,
>    I am trying to locate municipalities within NY State that have adopted
>Historic Preservation acts in regards to landmarking and preserving older
>structures within the municipality itself.  I would also appreicate any
>input from other persons on this.
>Each day, the sun gives me a new canvas to paint on and in the evening, the
>stars ignite the fires of eternal hope in my heart.
>ICQ # 12402752

Robert J. Hammerslag
ECHO - Essex Community Heritage Organization,  Essex, New York 12936
"I, for one, know of no sweeter sight for a man's eyes than his own
country." --  Odysseus