The Town of Brighton in Monroe County adopted a local law for historic preservation three years ago. In addition to contracting with the Landmark Society of Western NY for a cultural resources survey of seventy-five buildings, the seven member Historic Preservation Commission has designated eight local landmarks. One is a late eighteenth century farmhouse/tavern, another is a Sears Roebuck catalogue house. The NY State draft ordinance was used as a framework for the Town's law. Would be glad to answer any questions about how we did it. Mary Jo Barone, Town of Brighton Historian At 12:26 PM 7/1/98 -0400, you wrote: >Hello to all, > > I am trying to locate municipalities within NY State that have adopted >Historic Preservation acts in regards to landmarking and preserving older >structures within the municipality itself. I would also appreicate any >input from other persons on this. > >Susan > >Each day, the sun gives me a new canvas to paint on and in the evening, the >stars ignite the fires of eternal hope in my heart. > >ICQ # 12402752 > >