The Wyegant history of the 124th NYV is available on microfiche from
University Publications of America, 4520 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD
20814-3389. We have the fiche copy here, but it does not go on
interlibrary loan.

Jim Corsaro
Associate Librarian
Manuscripts and Special Collections
New York State Library
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12230

On Thu, 16 Jul 1998, David Minor wrote:

> Jim,
> I checked the electronic catalogue of the Rochester Library ssytem (Roaring
> Cat); the only copy that showed up was the 1877 original, in the main
> downtown library. Probably not available through interlibrary loan.
> Sorry,
> David
> >Does anyone have information where I can get a reprinted copy of Charles
> >Weygant's History of the 124th New York Volunteers?
> >Jim McMann
> >[log in to unmask]
> David Minor
> Eagles Byte Historical Research
> Rochester, New York
> 716 264-0423
> [log in to unmask]