Regarding CCC Camp at Gilbert Lake: If you ever find any more details about the camp and specifically information regarding two lost cemeteries in the park I would be very interested to know. We searched but can't seem to locate them. The only person that knew is now deceased. Jerry Reed -Whitesboro NY - reply to: [log in to unmask] Visit the Otsego County NYGenWeb Genealogy Page: ---------- > From: CPutman102 <[log in to unmask]> > To: [log in to unmask] > Subject: Re: NYS CCC Camp info > Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 4:43 PM > > The NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation at Stamford, NY, has some > information on the CCC Camps in Otsego and Schoharie Counties. It is stored in > a couple of boxes in the basement, and if you would like to stop by sometime > and look it over, you are welcome to do so. Call 607-652-7365 to leave a > message when you are stopping by, and I will make certain the material is > available. > > Clarence Putman