The County Historians Association of New York State, in conjunction with
the Regional Council of Historical Agencies, announces the availability
of a new publication, "But What Am I Supposed to Do:  A Handbook for New
York State's Local Government Historians" by Jefferson County Historian
Laura Lynn Scherer.  This 300 page publication in a convenient 3-ring
binder will be helpful to anyone interested in local history, including
municipal historians, historical societies, libraries and
geneaologists.  Some of the topics covered include:  Research Methods:
researching a building, oral history, family history; Research Sources:
census, deeds, newspapers; Historic Preservation; Archival Practices;
Writing and Publishing.

The book is $30 plus $4 shipping and handling and sales tax (7%) if
applicable and can be ordered from:

Regional Council of Historical Agencies
PO Box 28
Cooperstown, NY  13326

For more information on-line contact RCHA at [log in to unmask]