Jim Corsaro wrote:
> Listservers:
> I have an enquiry from someone looking for a map of the underground
> railroad in NYS. This person wants something showing the routes and
> possibly sites of udg. rr locations. I know of no such map, but there may
> be one, so does anyone know of a map?
> Aside from the fact that many (the majority?) of the sites claimed to be
> underground rr. places are probably mythical or family traditions about an
> old root cellar, we do know that the railroad existed in NYS and perhaps
> some historian/geographer has made a map showing the major routes. Anyone
> know??
> Thanks.
>                                 Jim Corsaro


Some additional information regarding the Underground Railroad in NYS
and elsewhere (with links to maps, I believe) can be found at Anthony
Cohen's site "The Walk to Canada:  Tracing the Underground Railroad" at:


Cohen is an historian and author who has traced much of the UGRR on foot
over the course of the past several years.  His site has links to other
resources, including Wilbur Siebert's Directory of UGRR operators
(c.1892).  You might also try:


Hope this helps.

Amy Facca