On Wed, 10 Dec 1997, a subscriber wrote:

> Subject: Re: Stone Arabia
> The members of this list seem to experts on where to find things.  Where would
> I find the current maps of the roads in the five boro's?  Let us say I wanted
> to know exactly all the on's and off's of a bridge or tunnel including all the
> side roads and small roads.  Is that info available from a single source?

Many subscribers do not have time to read every email in their mailbox,
and rely on the Subject Header to give them a clue.  People interested in
the Stone Arabia thread should expect not to have to read something
entirely unrelated when they bring up a post with that heading.  If using
the R(eply) key just to get the correct address for sending, it only takes
a moment to delete the Subject header and enter something appropriate.

Meanwhile, Seasons Greetings, all!


Nicholas Haynes Treanor                  {
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada          }  Life is an adventure,
                                         {  not a guided tour
[log in to unmask]             }