Greetings. I am searching for a research partner. I have been researching the history of the New York State Thruway for a few years. I have conducted an extensive review of the scholarly literature pertaining to American as well as New York state transportation history. I have read every New York Times article pertaining to the New York City-Buffalo transportation corridor prior to the construction of the Thruway. Once the idea for the Thruway was floated in the Legislature, articles in the NYT proliferated. Thus, I have also read the hundreds of articles which detailed the legislative wrangling over the funding of the Thruway, its construction, and the various "openings"of sections of the road which took place across the state as sections were completed. I also spent the better part of a summer combing through the Thomas E. Dewey papers at the University of Rochester. (The Thruway was one of Dewey's pet projects.) If anyone out there is interested in joining me in this research project please let me know. I have been published in scholarly journals and am looking at this Thruway material from both a scholarly as well as a popular perspective. The Thruway will be 50 years old around 2005, which presents an ideal publication rationale. Hoping to hear from any New York-Transportation history hounds... Thanks, B.A. Stone