>I forgot to give you the date for the Open House - as was pointed out to
me. Friday, October 17

Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 16:18:07 -0400
>To: History Discussion
>From: "Dr. Hans-J. Finke" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: nyhist-l posting
>>>You are cordially invited to an Open House in Celebration of Archives
Week at the Records and Archives Center, 3869 County Road #46, Canandaigua.
>>We will have
>>Tours of the Facility
>>Special Greetings by the Rodent Control Officer
>>New Exhibit
>>and two lectures:
>>12:30 pm: "Kings, Prophets and Scarlet Women" by Dr. Leslie O'Malley
>>4:30 pm: "The Origin of Place Names in Ontario County" by Dr. Preston
Pierce, Ontario County Historian
Records Management Officer
Department of RAIMS
3869 County Road #46
Canandaigua NY 14424
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