Hi Rebecca,

In a message dated 10/27/97 4:27:30 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

>Hi!  I'm trying to gather information about a Company that was in NYC in the
>late 1800's and early 1900's.  It was originally called White, Howard & Co.
>and it was located at 19 E. 34th St. in 1892.  It was later bought out by
>Delia Leonard who lived on E.58th in 1905 and W.56th in 1924.
>It was a fashionable women's clothing store.  I'm looking for info both
>about the store and about Delia Leonard.  I have checked NY Times.
>Any ideas or suggestions would be most appreciated.
>Rebecca Rector

You should find some information about the company--perhaps incorporation
papers, annual reports, judgments--at the Division of Old Records, NY County
Clerk's Office, 31 Chambers St, Rm 703, NY, NY 10007. Phone: 212-374-4376.

You might also find some judgments there for Delia Leonard.

Best wishes,

Leslie Corn
NYC Research & Genealogy
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