Hi Ted, In a message dated 10/24/97 6:41:13 PM, you wrote: >Can anyone direct me to an account of the state government's move out of >NYC to Albany in 1797? My fitful researches haven't produced anything very >useful. I am especially interested in whether any comparisons can >be drawn with the public reaction to the departure of the federal >government in 1790. > >Ted Burrows >Department of History >Brooklyn College You might try contacting Bruce Abrams, archivist at the NY Co Clerk's Office, Division of Old Records, 212-374-4376. I've been helping him prepare judgments from that time for conservation work (just call me a duster!), and Bruce is quite knowledgeable about the government and the court system of this era. Best, Leslie Leslie Corn NYC Research & Genealogy [log in to unmask]