In response to several recent comments about the Thomas Indian School,
I will note that the New York State Archives does hold the surviving
administrative and student records of the Thomas Indian School, which
operated on the Cattaraugus Reservation until 1957.

A list of Thomas Indian School records  in the Archives is available in the
Archives' (updated) summary guide, at the following URL:

Narrative descriptions of records of the school are available in the
Archives on-line catalog, at:

The Archives will disclose directory type information on students at the
Thomas Indian School, but the student files themselves are restricted to
protect personal privacy.

James D. Folts
Head, Research Services
New York State Archives
Cultural Education Center Room 11D40
Albany, NY 12230  USA
E-mail [log in to unmask]
Phone (518) 474-8955; Fax (518) 473-9985