---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 07:10:13 -0400 From: Steve Leggett <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: Association of Moving Image Archivists <[log in to unmask]> To: Multiple recipients of list AMIA-L <[log in to unmask]> Subject: grant info To AMIA Members: The Women's Film Preservation Fund recently sent me notice of a grant program they are doing and asked me to make the information available as best I could. Any inquiries/questions should be addressed to them directly. Apologies if this is a duplicate post to the Listserv. The following quotes are from their letter: "We are pleased to announce that The Women's Film Preservation Fund of New York Women in Film and Television (NYWIFT) is now seeking proposals for the funding of preservation or restoration of American films in which women had significant creative positions. Individuals and not-for-profit organizations are eligible to apply for grants of up to $20,000. The Women's Film Preservation Fund is dedicated to identifying, preserving and presenting films in which women had a significant creative role. Our goals are to contribute to an understanding of the importance of women in film history, and to increase awareness of the necessity for film preservation. ... Applications and information may be obtained from Women's Film Preservation Fund, c/o New York Women in Film and Television, 6 East 39th Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016; p: 212/679-0870 The first deadline for applications is September 15. A panel of professional filmmakers, film historians, preservationists, curators and educators will review all applications and award the grants, which will be announced in November. The next applications deadline is March 15, 1998." Again, please direct any queries about this program directly to NYWIFT. Thanks, Steve Leggett National Film Preservation Board Library of Congress, M/B/RS Division Washington, D.C. 20540 p: 202/707-5912; f: 202/707-2371 email: [log in to unmask] NFPB WWW site: http://lcweb.loc.gov/film/