The New York State Muzzle Rifle Loading Association (NYSMLA) Moose River Primitive Rendezvous and Hunt was in its 25th year this October at the Moose River Plains just north of Inlet. The rendezvous is a living history encampment that takes visitors on a week long journey back in time to the pioneer era. “Visitors come to experience something unique while starting off the muzzleloader season,” said 2016 Booshway (The leader of a party) of the Fur Trade Era group Maria Heckle. A muzzleloader is a 1700s style single shot firearm that has to be loaded by the barrel in order to function, a fitting firearm for the living history encampment at the Moose River Plain’s rendezvous. <> -- Bob Sullivan Schenectady Digital History Archive <> Schenectady County (NY) Public Library