Hello All,
=0DWe are looking for=
Districts or Agencies across the State that might have information to shar=
e about programs that offer field trips/experiential learning to connect th=
eir students with Local History.
=0DIt is ou=
r goal to create a sustainable (funded) series of experiences that would in=
crease awareness and ultimately, develop students' desire to promote a=
nd preserve the rich heritage of Niagara Falls and Western New York.
=0DWe are aware that the NYS Parks offer transport=
ation grants, but are open to any other ideas or suggestions for structure,=
programming, or sustainability. It will be interesting to see what others =
are doing, so we can tailor our own program to meet our situation=
and needs.
=0DI can be reached directl=
y via email at
[log in to unmask] or via the contact information below, rather tha=
n overload the listserv.
=0DThanks in advance for your time=
and consideration.
=0DAndrea Fortin-Nossavage
=0DNiagara Falls City Sc=
hool District
=0DTeacher, Social Studies
=0D2016 Empire=
State Excellence in Teaching Awardee
=0DMember, NYS Professional=
Standards and Practices Board
=0DAdvisor, NFHS Local History Clu=
=0D716-278-5800 Ext. 41426 =0D
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