SAA Workshop - Rights and Permissions: Policies for Reproduction and Reuse of Archival Holdings

Date: Monday, October 3, 2016  from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

**Registration and fees handled by SAA  (click on this link to register)

WNYLRC members receive $25 off their registration fee (use code: R&P25NY )

*Co-sponsored with the Western New York Library Resources Council


Making our holdings available for use is fundamental to the archival mission, yet many archives attempt to control further uses in various ways. When is it appropriate for an archives to limit reuse in order to protect its interests? This one-day workshop explores the issues involved in developing an institutional policy on reproduction and reuse of holdings in order to permit responsible reuse that is consistent with the law, ethical practice, financial needs, and core mission.

Upon completion of this workshop you’ll be able to:

Who should attend? Archivists (including managers and administrators) and staff who are responsible for working with and overseeing reproduction and permissions.

What should you already know? The instructor will assume a general understanding of copyright as it applies to archival material, such as Copyright: The Archivist and the Law or equivalent, plus experience with reprographic services, policies, and procedures in an archival institution.

PLEASE NOTE: CE cradits are available through SAA. You must contact SAA directly to request the credits

Location: WNYLRC Training Center  (Directions:

Speaker: Dr. Jean Dryden's expertise in archives and the impact of law on archival practice has been developed over many years of experience as an archivist in the government, education, and non-profit sectors in Canada. Her primary research interest is copyright; her doctoral dissertation (University of Toronto, 2008) investigated the copyright practices of Canadian archival repositories in making their holdings available online.

Upon completion of her doctorate, she taught archives and records management at the University of Maryland from 2008-2011. She was also the principal investigator for a comparative research study funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services that examined the copyright practices of American archival repositories and their impact on users. Her research looked at the copyright policies of nearly one hundred archival institutions; the findings revealed a wide range of practices that sometimes apply copyright in ways that impede use of archival material. Her expertise in privacy law has been developed primarily in relation to teaching and consulting in the area of records management.

She has held the Certified Records Manager qualification since 1995. She is currently a consultant and educator in Toronto, Her consulting practice encompasses the domains of copyright, records management, and archives, including training, needs assessments, and policy and procedure development. She is pursuing a Master of Laws degree in Intellectual Property at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University.


Heidi Bamford, Outreach & Member Services Coordinator

Western New York Library Resources Council, a member of the Empire State Library Network

Airport Commerce Park East

4950 Genesee Street, Suite 170

Buffalo, NY 14225-5528

(716) 633-0705 ext 114

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