> Are you sure only a few of the one room school houses remain?

I'm just passing along the article, so I can't say for sure. :-)

> There is considerable emotional attachments to the school we attended.
> With resources limited to a certain extent, you have to ask if this is
the best way to use these limited resources.
> Perhaps a better way would be to look for those old abandoned theaters
and opera houses in our communities.

Your point is well taken, but I am reminded of a recent discussion locally
about purchasing a certain historical item... there was a consensus that it
was not worth investing scarce resources in this item, but also a
recognition that some people might feel strongly enough to buy and donate
it.  Sometimes the emotional attachments are strong enough to excite
interest which would not be available for other things.

Bob Sullivan
Schenectady Digital History Archive
Schenectady County (NY) Public Library