CALL FOR PAPERS Researching New York 2011 Upheaval & Disaster, Triumph & Tragedy: Aftermath November 17th & 18th, 2011 University at Albany, SUNY The organizers of the 14th annual Researching New York Conference once again invite proposals for panels, papers, workshops, roundtables, exhibits, and documentary and multimedia presentations on any aspect of New York State history -in any time period and from any perspective. Researching New York brings together historians, archivists, museum curators, graduate students, teachers, documentarians, and multimedia producers, to share their work on New York State history. Presentations that highlight the vast resources available to researchers, as well as scholarship drawn from those resources, are encouraged. Anniversaries are a means to recall, celebrate, or commemorate significant milestones in history. Often forgotten is what came next. Examining the aftermath of momentous events in both the short and long-term enlarges historical understanding, whether viewed from a political, cultural, social, legislative, or other perspective. 2011 marks a number of anniversaries: 9/11, the Attica Prison Uprising, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, and the beginning of the Civil War, among others. For Researching New York 2011 we encourage submissions that not only explore how we remember, commemorate, and create meaning from these and other notable events in New York State history, but that also consider what came next. Proposals are due by July 1, 2011. Complete panels, workshops, media presentations, or sessions are preferred; we will consider partial panels and individual submissions. For complete sessions please submit a one-page abstract of the session, a one page abstract for individual presentations, and a one-page curriculum vita for each participant. For individual submissions, include a one-page abstract and one-page vita. Submissions must include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Please submit electronically to [log in to unmask] All proposals must detail any anticipated audiovisual needs or time constraints. All conference participants are expected to register for the conference. We also seek commentators for panels. If you would like to comment on a panel, please contact us at [log in to unmask], indicating your area of expertise, along with a one-page vita. For additional details and future conference updates, , visit the Researching New York Web site at Researching New York is sponsored by the University at Albany History Department and History Graduate Student Organization and the New York State Archives Partnership Trust.