It would be grealy appreciated if David Allen could add more detail to the statement that "The English started calling it the Hudson River at a fairly early date as a way of asserting their claims to the area." Is there any source or dates you can point to on this. Was Hudson their man, or a Dutch operative, or England's appropriation of a Dutch operative's name? Any light you can shed here is welcome. Thank you. Robert Spiegelman NYC > One advantage of this phrase is that it allows lazy writers to duck the > more > difficult question of how these eponymous places got their names. Hudson > almost certainly did not name the river after himself. The Dutch used > the > equivalents of "North River," "River of Orange," or "Great River of New > Netherland." The English started calling it the Hudson River at a fairly > early date > as a way of asserting their claims to the area. It is not known for > certain > whether Champlain or Block named the geographic features that now bear > their > names. As I recall, Lake Champlain appears on Champlain's 1632 map of > New > France, which makes it possible that he named the lake after himself, but > he was > a modest man, and perhaps he was just going along with somebody else's > suggestion. The case of Adriaen Block is also a bit problematic. > "Adrian Blox > eyland" appears on the 1614 "Adriaen Block Chart," which is a copy of a > chart > by Cornelis Doetsz that Block apparently modified. It is certainly > possible > that Block named the island after himself, but the name could have been > added > by the person who copied the map. Incidentally, Long Island appears on > the > Block chart as "Matowacks." The Dutch did not start calling Long Island > "t'Lange Eylandt" until later. > > David Allen > Encinitas, CA > > > > ************************************** See what's free at > >