The best place to go for any kind of Family History search is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint web site at Click on the link for Family History, then go to, "More helpful web sites, and type in "African American" in the Keyword and it will take you to a 31 different links.
Good luck!
Jackie L. Allred
Assistant to the University Librarian
and Dean of Libraries
Syracuse University Library
219 Bird Library
222 Waverly Ave
Syracuse, NY  13244-2010
(315)443-2573; FAX (315)443-2060

>>> [log in to unmask] 1/31/2006 11:29:08 PM >>>
Is there such a thing?   I am interested in  African-Americans who have had success - or failure - in tracing their American ancestry.   
Christopher Gray
Office for Metropolitan History
246 West 80th Street, #8, NYC  10024
212-799-0520  fax -0542

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